• Jagd und Gästefarm Okosongoro - Wissenswertes Namibia


German, Austrian and Swiss passports do not require visas.
Passports: must be valid for at least six months after the end of your trip.


no vaccination requirements. For your own safety, please consult with a health care practitioner in your own country, or your local Institute for Tropical  Diseases.


light cotton clothes (including shorts) in darkish earthy colours is recommended, and European summer hunting clothing is ideal. Due to our thorny bushveld, we recommend long sleeve shirts, long pants and ankle high, light, well worn shoes/boots. For the cool morning and evening hours, we recommend a warm jacket such as a Parka, pullover and gloves.
Very important to remember are a wide rimmed hat, binoculars, camera, sunglasses, sunscreen and insect repellent.


Local time in Namibia during summer is GMT + 2 and in winter it is GMT + 1 due to daylight savings. This time change takes effect on the first Sunday in April and lasts until the first Sunday in September. This means that during the summer months in Europe, the time is the same as in Namibia. During European winter, the time is one hour ahead of Namibia.


For many years, a large number of medal trophies have been hunted on Okosongoro Safari Ranch. Should your trophy merit such an award, medals can be bought at the Namibian Professional Hunters Association. The proceeds from these medal sales in turn helps to support several social projects e.g. Hunters Support Education.


As a result of low rainfall, Namibia has a very dry, healthy climate. The temperature in summer varies between 18-36 degrees Celsius and in winter between -4 and 20. Our summers stretch from November to March, autumn is in April/ May, winter is from June to the end of August and spring is in September/October.

Jagden in Namibia auf der Okosongoro Jagd und Safari Ranch